♥♥☺☻♥♥ The ♥♥Psychedelic♥♥ Sound Foxes Experiment ♥♥☺☻♥♥
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The Sound Foxes Experiment:-
Music Track:-
Whale Song :
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More fun with music.....We hope you like our different little jingle!
You've just got to celebrate your beautiful life and world.....life is a gift to enjoy and share!
Again, seriously though, Whales are quite a beautiful and misunderstood creature, and unfortunately suffer from the noise pollution in the sea (sonar and shipping) plastic pollution (they eat it), chemical pollution (oil, pesticides, fertiliser, sewage etc), dwindling food stocks (some people seem to think it's cool to rake through all the sea life with intensive fishing methods upsetting the delicate ecology) and even being hunted by people for their 'meat' or in the guise of some sort of bizarre and frightening scientific experiment, as well as all sorts of other factors upsetting their natural life. Surely we can feed on the gifts of nature such as fruit, vegetables and grains etc? Surely these are given as gifts rather than what seems to be theft and the deprivation of life. Is it easier to theive a life rather than work hard and rejoice in the knowledge hard work paid off? True, crops can fail and often do, and feeding everyone is so important, yet to take a life, a love, a family member seems like a twist too far? Perhaps we're wrong; it's up to you to decide.
Maybe it's better to be vegetarian instead of needing to call a veterinarian!
Perhaps instead of us spending so much time and effort on calculating ways to eliminate each other and everything in between, we could spend more time focussing on the things we love, need and benefit from, like just spending quality hours admiring and being in awe of this wonderful world we live in today and those in it, while working hard to fulfill it.
Probably seems way to easy though......
Also, perhaps we don't have to eat and kill every species to fully know them; maybe other creatures are better living a long and free life doing what they want to do, and we can all come to know each other in more powerful and truly meaningful ways?
It's definitely more fun to point a camera and shoot, than a gun (or harpoon) and pull the trigger!!
Extinction is forever (sadly).....
Lystenne stream doanloade and more, a selection of our tunes from various projects including The Sound Foxes from the usual places:::,,...;,::
“Whale Song“, is featured on our forth album, "Journey's into the Abstract", available for streaming or download just about everywhere!
Check your favourite streaming or download service for more of The Sound Foxes Experiment.
If you like our sounds feel free to give us a gift:::::..:::.:::
If you would like to stream or download our music please go to your favourite provider :
Some of our crazy tunes may be available for FREE...
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Amazon Music
Jango Radio
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