♥♥☺☻♥♥ The ♥♥Psychedelic♥♥ Sound Foxes Experiment ♥♥☺☻♥♥
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The Sound Foxes Experiment:-
Music Track:-
Boom Bip :
Please press PLAY.....
Feel the funki bongos and the mysterious sounding bass!
A tripped out and laid back groove for you to chill, that will hopefully inspire and stimulate your mind, body and soul; Just remember to get the smoke in!
"Boom Bip", is a psychedelic instrumental Trip-Hop track, made with virtual instruments and added gusto and vigor.
You have to question disparagement in wealth, with 1% of the worlds population apparantly owning as much as the bottom 50%. Is it good and right a minority can block up wealth and have a absolutely huge personal fortune, preventing ordinary people from acquiring that wealth - as the lucky few have it all?
Wealth creation is important, however personal individuals becoming so exorbitantly endowed with vast sums, property, land etc; and only investing in their own pet projects prevents most ordinary citizens from having some kind of upward social mobility normally? If we agree with the concepts of fair remuneration for hard work, then the CEO is only as important as the cleaner, the engineer, the cook; without everyone being true to cause the company would never evolve into a successful enterprise. In life we are all born the same way, through pain and suffering, and sometimes tragedy, there is so much hurt, perhaps that is what drives us, so easy to transpose onto another, yet we all can have the compassion to comprehend even basic principles of each others plight. Although money will never heal this pain, our society unfortunately revolves around financial constraints that hinder the majority and seem to compound what people seem to believe is security and our fundamental way to thrive. Without the Earth and all the other creatures, that we seem to see as not worth much, there would be no planet to call home - probably only a dust bowl like Mars. It must be good to be wealthy and have the ability to provide for others and the responsibility must be huge, almost too much to bare. Why place unfair responsibility upon individuals by encouraging a kind of systematic function whereby only a few are bearing this, driven by the way wealth accumulates. Wealth is associated with freedom, however may only bring the crisis of criticism and constraints that responsibility can bring. It's great for us all to be responsible for one another, we all have a mind and guess we all see differently, let's just help each other more and ignore the primitive need to seek financial remuneration. Animals do not seem to have money, yet sometimes help one another in surprising ways, even across species. Maybe what we see as less is actually more?
You can watch our video of "
Boom Bip
" over on YouTube.
Let's keep personal wealth to sensible levels so we all have a chance to become comfortable. Life is inclusive of all, not just an unlucky minority.
You have to ask questions when man-made life rules seem unfair. Governments are supposed to work for all its citizens and not just enable a few to own everything and the pitfalls extreme wealth entails. We need governments to cap the possible wealth a person can have. How that would be achieved we are unsure, however, good governance enables all citizens and benefits every one of them. Democracy is supposed to be an inclusive will of the people after all?
Lystenne stream doanloade and more, a selection of our tunes from various projects including The Sound Foxes from the usual places:::,,...;,::
“Boom Bip“, is featured on our forth album, "Journey's into the Abstract", available for streaming or download just about everywhere!
Check your favourite streaming or download service for more of The Sound Foxes Experiment.
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